Friday, 13 September 2013

Dudu, Clare and Uza Do the Boys

Three Generations are (LtoR) Clare Nyakujara, Dudu Manhenga and Uza Manhenga. Three Generations are (LtoR) Clare Nyakujara, Dudu Manhenga and Uza Manhenga. FUNGAIFOTO | FF&A PHOTOGRAPHY
The group Three Generations performs at the Book Café, September 12, 2013. The show was themed 'Girls Doing Boys' and featured the three ladies doing a set of songs by the legendary Zimbabwean township music groups, Mbare Trio and Cool Crooners.

Three Generations with Friday Mbirimi of the Mbare Trio
With one of the boys. Three Generations invite Friday Mbirimi of the Mbare Trio onto stage. FUNGAIFOTO | FF&A PHOTOGRAPHY

Three Generations is made up of three artists who have made it in their own right; Dudu Manhenga, Clare Njyakujara and Uza Manhenga. They say being in the group allows them to break out of their typecast performances as solo artist and 'just get crazy'.
There was a change of outfits for the Cool Crooners set.
There was a change of outfits for the Cool Crooners set.FUNGAIFOTO | FF&A PHOTOGRAPHY

Three Generations has another show at the Book Café on Saturday, September 21, where the theme will be 'Girls Bands Bang'. After that they head to Intwasa Arts Festival in Bulawayo for a performance on September 26.

Courtesy of

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